#vocal lessons
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bookworm-fangirl1 · 2 months ago
ok chat…
I just got back from my first vocal lesson
the teacher was really nice!
She was heather chandler
she likes helluva and hazbin
specializes in musical theatre
she’s great! I’m really excited for next week!
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ultraviolet-aria · 15 days ago
Hey friends, how's it going?
It's been a hot minute since I've posted on here, so here goes my monthly rant 😅:
Let's see, work is still annoying but I've made it less annoying by telling my bosses that they aren't good at their job- in a professional manner of course 😏. Long story short I finally got tired of their bullshitting about how everyone needs to do better at their job and I pointed out that they aren't even good at their job and they couldn't tell me I was wrong when i provided LOTS of examples. This has resulted in me getting two new workers for my department as well as a (potential) raise! I could talk more about this later about how I achieved this but really it was through trial and error (and dealing with the discomfort of pushing myself to speak up). For once in my life, opening my mouth and telling the truth has gotten me rewarded. We'll see how long that lasts though.
My cat was throwing up two days in a row last week which has been sort of worrying but lately this week he seems fine so I'm wondering it he had a large hairball in his throat or if he simply was a dumbass and ate something he wasn't supposed too. Could be either one 🤷🏾‍♀️. If he does it again I'm shipping him straight to the vet.
Oh- and I wrote a really long chapter of my fic which was really good! It took a lot of energy out of me so I have to recuperate this week and start up again next week. Gonna work on my Youtube content this week.
My husband got me vocal lessons for Christmas so I'm about to begin that. Please pray for me and the teacher so i don't ruin both our eardrums 🙏🏾
Other than that, my mental health has been a lot better this month so far. The reasons being: I got my IUD removed (it just wasn't for me foreal, too much bleeding. I'm back to the nuvaring ✨ ), I fired my therapist (long story short i have very high expectations for therapists and the past three I've had were complete jokes), I've gotten back to my normal exercise routine, and I've been listening to more health and wellness podcasts that help keep me motivated and educated about how to deal with this thing called life.
I know that was a lot but I have more.... that I'm not gonna share bc I'll be writing forever. Maybe next time.
Hope you guys are doing well!
-A. ♥️
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ourtalechara · 5 months ago
Headed to the dungeon (vocal lessons) to fight my demons (alexander hamilton) using ancient magic (belting the room where it happened at the top of my lungs)
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fyeah-chanyeol · 6 months ago
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How do I get my throat to stop audibly clicking when I sing??? I'm not swallowing it just does it and I don't know why.
I'm trying to teach myself how to sing and I don't have any former vocal training, I've tried Googleing it but haven't found anything.
This is a video for reference:
Also, is my voice monotone? Because it feels monotone and idk what to do about that.
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simplysoniferous · 1 year ago
I really should been keeping a practice journal for my vocal lessons (it’s been over a year!), but just in passing I want to say I had a huge breakthrough with my passagio today, and I am feeling uncharacteristically proud of myself 😊
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actualmagus · 7 days ago
Context - ive always thought i was a baritone but i started singing lessons and my teacher went "you might be tenor actually" so now ofc i think i can sing a bigger fucking variety of songs cause theres WAY TOO MANY TENOR SONGS, but either way ive learned a lot of baritone songs and i wanted to show her one of my favs to sing ("Made of Stone" from Hunchback of Notre Dame) but mind you he has like a full, round, deep timbre so what happened:
Me, with my vocal teacher, proud that i can sing this song: :D
Her: okay, now do it without imitating the timbre
Me: *cant reach the high note, thinking im going insane, "did i start it an octave up?"*
Her: so his timbre makes it seem like its a lower note but thats actually a Bb4 (the top of the top of my range, so fucking dificult to do), so youve been singing it an octave lower your entire life...
Me: :0... :' C
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goldenvoicestudio · 3 months ago
Achieve Vocal Excellence with Melbourne's Best Lessons – Golden Voice Studio
Perfect your voice with top-quality Melbourne vocal lessons at Golden Voice Studio. Our highly trained vocal coaches offer comprehensive training for singers of all skill levels. From mastering vocal techniques to enhancing performance skills, our personalized approach ensures your success. Join our vibrant community of music enthusiasts and unlock your full potential. Your journey to vocal excellence begins here—enroll in our Melbourne vocal lessons today!
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jealstte · 5 months ago
I've never had singing lessons, so that's why I don't have many voice techniques! But I'm trying to learn it on my own in whatever way I can. 🫶🏻 pls be gentle
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Breath Control Techniques for Powerful Singing
Vocal Lessons offers a comprehensive approach to improving your singing skills. Our lessons cover essential techniques such as warm-ups, breath control, and range expansion to help you develop a strong, healthy voice. We emphasize the importance of vocal health, expressive singing, and stage presence. Whether you’re looking to refine your technique or build confidence for performances, our expert guidance and personalized feedback will support your growth. Discover how to overcome common vocal challenges and achieve your musical goals with practical, engaging instruction tailored to your needs.
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cosmicdreamgrl · 6 months ago
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seokjin x vogue korea
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cinnamoncianna · 12 days ago
need to come up w a list of 10 things I wanna learn how to play if anyone has any ideas send me asks pls
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venussaidso · 2 months ago
Deep law of assumption cultists when you talk about action. Not inspired action or magical action. But action. Action. Physical effort.
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inamindfarfaraway · 8 months ago
I imagine Raven becoming a professional musician when she’s older, getting her start writing and performing protest songs against the legacy system (like when she rewrote the Legacy Day song off the cuff in the first book). She diversifies as she grows more comfortable with the spotlight and expressing vulnerability to the public. She sings about her love, her doubts and fears, her friends, her family. It’s very cathartic to be seen and heard, truly listened to, and shown empathy as well as admiration for being sincere and sentimental and silly and, well, human, in front of a huge crowd. Not just the next Evil Queen or the brave Rebel leader. She hones her wit, craftsmanship and patience too, the hobby teaching her the value of time management and disciplined study far more than school, though she’ll never be as organized as Apple. It feels good creating wonderful things through hard work, no magic required. Every Queen has had magic. This is all her own. The more royal responsibilities she takes on over the years, the less free time she has for her music. But she still releases new songs every now and then and enjoys performing when the chance arises.
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yuzuyoon · 7 months ago
Lily, as someone with knowledge of singing and vocal technique, I'm hoping you can answer something I've been thinking about since I watched the mini-doc about the creation of Muse.
When Jimin and his crew go back into the bedroom--it's almost midnight, at this point--Jimin says, with some uncertainty, I believe--that the key they've chosen is "quite high." Two keys ahead of the original! Later, the guitarist asks him if he's going to sing it higher and then nods approvingly..."that's art."
But is it really better to sing in such a high key? Would it not have sounded as good in a slightly lower key? Is it the reason for the auto-tune so many people are complaining about?
I thought about this while listening to Be Mine. There's that one line that seems excessively high--so high I feel like it might attract any dogs in the vicinity. Do you think it needs to be/should be that high?
Btw, whatever the key, Be Mine is one of those songs that is deceptively difficult to sing, isn't it? People aren't talking enough about Jimin's vocal prowess here.
i want you to listen to two things. first, listen to the original version of dynamite. then listen to this version:
now tell me which one sounds more like a bts song. the original dynamite was a song in quite a high pitch, and many people agree that the version in a lower pitch sounds more like a bts song.
this concept applies to all songs. some songs sound better at a higher tone, some songs sound better at lower tones. im sure when considering the pitch of who, jimin took two things into consideration:
1) is he capable of singing it live (and we have seen yes he can)
2) what sounds best vocally and instrumentally
im pretty confident jimin chose the right key because of one main reason: it fits perfectly into jimin's vocal sweet spot
we all have vocal sweet spots when we sing and they're not all coherent. for example, i'm really comfortable in my lower-mid range and my high range, but i struggle when it comes to mid-high range. jimin's sweet spot seems to be that very high falsetto/mix that he does in the who prechorus
who is a challenging song to sing, but jimin chose it because he knows his voice and he knows what sounds good. i believe, had he chosen one of the lower pitches, we wouldn't have gotten that resonant note. (jimin also seems to be so proud and confident of his vocals now after taking those lessons and he's been showing it off a lot. a challenging key would the perfect opportunity to show off something he's proud of)
because i love making videos to try to explain things, here's one of who in different keys so you can get a feel for why jimin chose to have to song be that pitch:
im pretty confident the original pitch sounds the best.
now for be mine: yes the prechorus for this song is also absurdly high. like absurdly. the real test on if that was the right key choice for this song is if jimin can sing live (fingers crossed the bonus clip has be mine in it). based on the who performances, i am so confident he can
and yes, be mine is challenging to sing because youre reaching a spot where its hard to even use a falsetto to reach those notes. jimin and i have similar high key ranges and its so incredibly difficult for me to get to those notes and make it sound nice. jimin really saw people ranking him at no. 4 for vocal capabilities in bts and decided to come for his rightful no. 2 spot as a lead vocalist. all the kudos to him, that is a power move if i ever saw one
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macproject · 6 days ago
Singing Coaching Melbourne
Explore best singing coaching in Melbourne with The Mac Project. Our expert coaches offer personalised lessons to help you develop your vocal technique, range, and confidence. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, we'll guide you to reach your full potential. For more information you can visit our website. 
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